Qui sommes-nous ? EN
Ports of Normandy: offering comprehensive, competitive, flexible solutions
Ports of Normandy was created from an alliance forged between the Normandy Region, the Departments of Calvados, Manche and Seine Maritime, and the Agglomerations of Caen la Mer, Le Cotentin and Dieppe Maritime, with the aim of developing the ports and the local economy.
At the centre of the coastline bordered by the English Channel, the 3 ports within Ports of Normandy – Caen-Ouistreham, Cherbourg and Dieppe – enjoy quality multimodal links to the main European corridors. They have the facilities and capacity to handle various types of traffic and accommodate a wide range of activities: cross-Channel ferries, trade, cruises, yachting, fishing, etc.
The 3 ports, spread along more than 600 km of coastline, are located near offshore wind farms and just a few miles from the strongest sea currents in Europe. As a result, they are becoming a major player in the development of Marine Renewable Energies.

Our missions
By devising and implementing the development strategy of our 3 ports, we are helping to boost Normandy’s economic appeal.
We are coordinating work on the infrastructure to support this strategy with annual investment averaging almost €50m.
We guarantee access to our 3 ports through dredging, maintenance and operation of mobile engineering structures (bridges, locks, etc.).
We listen to our customers’ needs and make sure they are put in touch with the right people at our ports.
We choose and work closely with those who operate our ports.

Our values
Complementarity, expertise and proximity are three assets of the port community that we lead for the benefit of our customers.
Ports of Normandy comprises 3 ports, covering 7 sectors and employing 150 people who work closely with our 4 port operators and all our partners.
Together, we propose a comprehensive range of port services, top-notch professionalism and a fast response, combined with the unwavering concern to make good use of public money and with firmly pragmatic and sincere intentions of preserving the environment.
Our organisation
A riddle: I own 3 ports but I don’t directly operate them.
I am funded by 7 different local authorities.
As manager of the ports, I ensure that their organisation runs smoothly.
I work with 5 port operators and 5 ferry companies.
I own buildings covering more than 60,000 m². Who am I? Ports of Normandy!
A picture paints a thousand words, so what better way to tell you about the Ports of Normandy’s ecosystem than this gallery.