Port of Dieppe

Port de Dieppe
Port of Dieppe©Biplan-S.Leroy
Port de Dieppe
Herbidean Princess®Ports de Normandie
Port de Dieppe
Port of Dieppe®Biplan - S. Leroy
Duquesne dock®Biplan - S. Leroy
Ango dock®Biplan - S. Leroy
Port de Dieppe
Ship repair®Biplan - S. Leroy
Port de Dieppe
CrossChannel®Biplan - S. Leroy
Port of Dieppe

Welcome to the Port of Dieppe

Port in the town, town in the port: the relationship between the port and the town is an intimate one. Situated halfway between London and Paris, at the heart of a dynamic regional economy, the Port of Dieppe offers a varied range of services carried out by teams who are very attached to their port:


- A cross-Channel line linking Dieppe to Newhaven in 4 hours, up to 4 times a day, for freight and tourist vehicles, operated by DFDS


- 82,000 m² of hardstanding adjacent to the quays and 25,000 m² of warehouse space


- 5 berths alongside with draughts of 6–12 m, accessible to vessels of up to 160 m long for dry bulk and industrial breakbulk


- Numerous lifting devices including 3 mobile cranes of 40, 60 and 120 tonnes


- A 7,500 m² area for ship repairs including a 360 tonne boat lift


- A very high-quality inshore fishing industry – quality label for scallops – and a fish market which processes on average 3,500 tonnes per year


- 530 berths in a 5-star marina in the heart of the town and 292 dry berths


Dieppe is also an industrial port, specialised in the food processing (Olatein) and ship building (Manche Industrie Marine) sectors mainly

Useful information

Jérôme Chauvet

Directeur du développement et de la Promotion

+33(0)6 24 08 86 16
Key Figures
350 000
cross-Channel passengers per year
1,5 MT
of freight
marina berths and 292 dry berths
quality label (label rouge) for scallops
vessels dry docked per year
direct jobs and 170 indirect jobs
Map of Port of Dieppe
Plan du port de Dieppe
Stakeholders of the Port of Dieppe
Logo Ports de Normandie
Port Authority

Ports of Normandy directs operations (delegated to our port operators) and policing (harbourmasters).


Who are we?

Logo régie du port de Dieppe
Port operator

The Régie d’Exploitation oversees the activities of the Port of Dieppe: freight, fishing, leisure, ship repairs


Harbourmaster's office

Harbour Master office organises the berthing and movements of vessels in the harbour, is responsible for the surveillance and security of the port and its facilities, and enjoys regulatory and policing powers.

Ferry company

DFDS offers up to 3 rotations daily to Newhaven.


Port de Dieppe remorquage

Thomas Services Maritimes is Port of Dieppe’s partner for towing operations.


Lamanage port de Dieppe
Mooring services

This service is provided by the Coopérative du Lamanage of the ports of Rouen and Dieppe.


Pilotage port de Dieppe

The pilots of the Syndicat du Pilotage de la Seine guide vessels into Dieppe harbour.


Manutentionnaires Port de Dieppe
Shipping agents

Shipping agents represent the shipowner or the charterer during the ship’s visit.




Manuentionnaires port de Dieppe

Vessel loading and unloading operations are provided by handlers.




Current projects
Port de Dieppe
©Drones Smart Images
Future maintenance facility for the Dieppe-Le-Tréport offshore wind farm

Brief overview 

The maintenance facility development is situated in the outer harbour, to the north of Gaston Lalitte quay. It comprises: 

  • A footprint of 4,800 m²  
  • A four-storey office building with a with a canteen/rest area on the first floor and various services on the ground floor, such as storage areas, cloakroom, first aid room and technical facilities
  • A car park for 37 vehicles  
  • A pontoon which can accommodate three 27-metre vessels  
  • A dockside cargo crane


Ports of Normandy will prepare the plot of land and everything relating to mooring the ships. Eoliennes en Mer Dieppe - Le Tréport (EMDT) will build the building and the car parks. Currently, the Gaston Lalitte quay is used for unloading aggregates from the sea and heavy cargo onto hardstanding covering more than 50,000 m². The development works directed by Ports of Normandy (rip-rap, dredging and pontoon construction) will be situated where the Gaston Lalitte quay meets the East pier.


Rivetage à chaud des entretoîses
Colbert Bridge ®Biplan-S.Leroy
Restoration of Colbert Bridge

Brief overview 

Registered as a historic monument in 2020, Colbert Bridge will be undergoing a complete restoration. Its structure, comprising a mixture of the original puddled steel and post-war steel, is in very poor condition and is going to be restored. We are also going to renovate its road surface and enlarge the pavements to give access to people with restricted mobility.  


Civil engineering works are also planned: repairs to the paving of the bridge’s turning circle, restoration of the stairs, the travel stops and the top-section of the quay... as well as the restoration of the operator’s cabin and the renovation of the power station façade. Lastly, the operation includes installing lighting to illuminate the bridge at night.  


Learn more about these historic works on the dedicated website!  


Port de Dieppe
Port of Dieppe ®Biplan - S. Leroy
Extension of the outer Harbour of the port of Dieppe

Brief overview

The hardstanding in Dieppe outer harbour (8.8 ha) is home to the cross-Channel terminal, Gaston Lalitte quay (heavy cargo) and an area dedicated to the business of extracting aggregates from the sea. Ports of Normandy intends to extend this hardstanding in order to meet the needs of the cross-Channel business and allow the Port of Dieppe to attract new maritime traffic.


Brexit, which is already in place, and especially the forthcoming Entry-Exit system (EES) require inspections which mean that the cross-Channel area will have to be enlarged by 3 ha if we are to guarantee an unhindered flow.


As for the area that accommodates the sea aggregates business, its enlargement by 3 ha will benefit the future wind turbine maintenance facility for the Dieppe-Le Tréport wind farm and improve the circulation of heavy cargo.


Lastly, by enlarging the outer harbour by 13 ha, the Port of Dieppe is adapting to the increasing size of commercial vessels which will, sooner or later, no longer be able to enter the Paris Dock. It is therefore reasonable to anticipate and plan for an area that such vessels can access directly and easily within the coming decade.


The project includes a phase of technical, environmental, legal and economic studies. This phase began in 2022 and should be complete in 2025. The purpose of the studies is to confirm the operation’s feasibility.  A public consultation phase will take place in 2025.