Remplacement du Pont de Colombelles EN

Actuel pont de Colombelles
®Ports de Normandie
Replacement of the Colombelles Bridge

Brief overview

This bridge is an essential link between the east and west halves of Greater Caen. It is used every day by 18,000 vehicles, 7% of which are heavy goods vehicles.  However, it no longer has the technical capacity to accommodate the traffic that is currently using it. It is showing signs of fatigue and vehicles over 7.5 tonnes have now been banned from using it. Breakdowns are constantly reoccurring, causing major traffic disruption. It is therefore no longer reasonable to maintain a bridge that suffers from random interruptions of service which disrupt both road and canal traffic.  


The bridge will therefore be replaced with a new one. This new structure will be the main link between the new residential and commercial development La Presqu’Ile Hérouvillaise and the historic town. It aims to accommodate all the various users (pedestrians, cyclists, drivers) in complete safety while ensuring the proper management of ships using the canal.  


In terms of maritime use, the new bridge is going to be similar to the existing one. In other words, it will be a swing bridge operated by Ports of Normandy’s remote control system for all such structures. It will provide a navigation channel that is 40 metres wide and can accommodate all types of vessel likely to pass through the locks at Ouistreham. The clearance gauge under the bridge will be between 4.10 m and 5.50 m so that leisure craft for activities such as rowing, or future river shuttles can pass under without the bridge needing to be opened.

Useful information


The overall budget for the development is €22m including €700k for the surveys.   

  • Normandy Region Council: €7.3 M
  • Calvados Council : €7.3 M
  • Caen la Mer urban area: €7.3 M


Prospective pont de Colombelles
Vue prospective du pont de Colombelles
®Eiffage Metal Lavigne Cheron Arcadis ISM Eiffage génie
Vue prospective du pont de Colombelles
®Eiffage Metal Lavigne Cheron Arcadis ISM Eiffage génie
Vue prospective du pont de Colombelles
®Eiffage Metal Lavigne Cheron Arcadis ISM Eiffage génie
Press release(s)
Project schedule
Start of the public consultation process
1st february 2021
End of the public consultation process
15th march 2021
Start of the public survey
16th october 2023
End of the public survey
16th november 2023
Work on the district heating network
Site preparation
May to august 2025
Completion of work on the district heating network
July 2025
Start of works
September 2025
Connecting roadworks, destruction of the existing bridge and compensatory measures
September 2026 to january 2027