Dragage du bassin Saint-Pierre EN

Bassin Saint Pierre
©Eric Destable
Dredging Saint-Pierre Dock

Brief overview


Saint-Pierre Dock is situated at the heart of Caen city centre and accommodates a marina and nautical events. Currently the depth is preventing the marina from operating to its fullest extent, including the hosting of exceptional vessels and racing events. Dredging operations in the dock and its access canal are scheduled for the winter of 2024–25 with the extraction of approximately 30,000 m³ of sediment.  The sediment will be decontaminated with a view to using it for landscaping works. The Government must award an environmental permit before the project can get underway.  The project has been authorized by prefectoral decrees dated October 11, 2024


In the interim, so the marina could continue to host the Normandy Channel Race, the bottom of the dock was levelled in May 2022 and June 2024. The goal was to move the sediment from the ridged areas to the hollower areas of the dock floor using a levelling bar towed by a tug.    

Useful information
Budget rétablissement des profondeurs du bassin St Pierre


The overall budget for the operation is €3.4M and is co-funded by: 

  • Normandy Regional Council: €1.33 M
  • Caen: €1.2 M
  • Caen la Mer urban area: €0.21 M
  • Ports of Normandy: €0.66 M


Bassin Saint Pierre
Nivelage Bassin St Pierre à Caen
Nivelage Bassin St Pierre à Caen @PortsdeNormandie
Nivelage Bassin St Pierre à Caen
Nivelage Bassin St Pierre à Caen @PortsdeNormandie
Normandy Channel Race
Normandy Channel Race 2020 ©Jean-Marie.Liot
L'enquête publique

L'enquête publique relative au projet se tiendra du vendredi 28 juin 9h30 au lundi 29 juillet 17h00.


Pour plus d'informations : 



Avis d'enquête publique
Press release