Continuité écologique de l’Arques à Dieppe EN

Brief overview
The Arques flows through Dieppe and is one of the waterways which needs to have its ecological coherence ensured through the movement of sediment in sufficient quantities and the circulation of migratory fish.
Within the context of the Water Climate Territorial Contract (CTEC) in the Arques Basin, Ports of Normandy and the Syndicat Mixte du Bassin Versant de l’Arques (SMBVA) intend to study the impact of the flow-regulating structures and fish passes on fish fauna and more particularly the impact on the migratory movements of species such as the European eel and Atlantic salmon.
The total provisional budget for this study is €100,000.
Ports of Normandy’s support for the Arques CTEC should enable to an increase in the grant awarded by the Agence de l’Eau Seine-Normandie. Indeed, for projects targeting the restoration of the ecological coherence under the CTEC, funding to remove obstacles to the free circulation of fish can be raised from 80% to 90%.