Parc d'activités Collignon - Croix Morel EN

Brief overview
The Collignon Business Park (16.8 ha) is situated in Tourlaville on the Cherbourg Peninsula. Acquired by Ports of Normandy in 2015–16 following reassignment to the public benefit, it had already been identified in 2006 as a key place for attracting business activities related to the port. The local land use plan (2006) and the territorial coherence plan (2011) confirmed the park’s importance as the only site in Greater Cherbourg and on the north coast of the peninsula which is of sufficient size, is close to the port and enjoys good road links. The park will mainly seek to attract businesses that have links to the port’s activities, to support cross-Channel logistics and the development of the marine renewable energy sector.
The development of the Collignon Business Park involves the creation of 5 plots that are divisible and suitable for building, to a total development area of approximately 10 ha. Ports of Normandy has entrusted the development of the park to SHEMA, a semi-public company involved in development, construction and economic development throughout Normandy.

The projected development budget at this stage is estimated to be €4.7 M ex VAT, including €3.2 M ex VAT of works which will include:
- €1.57 M ex VAT for measures to avoid, reduce and compensate impacts (ERC)
- €200,000 ex VAT for the development of a public space granted consecutive to the public consultation
The project is mostly funded by revenue from the transfer of real estate and private finance.
L'enquête publique relative au projet se tiendra du lundi 19 août 9h au vendredi 20 septembre 2024 17h.
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