Mesure compensatoire Vasière du Maresquier EN

Environmental compensatory measure for the development of Caen-Ouistreham’s outer harbour

Brief overview


To compensate for the 3 ha extension for the maintenance facility of the Calvados wind farm off Courseulles, Ports of Normandy established in 2019, to the south of Ouistreham marina, a 4.5 ha mud-flat to offer a favourable environment for the development of biodiversity comprising local species.    

The compensatory measure will be monitored in terms of topography, vegetation and bird life.  


Useful Information
Vasière proche du Barrage du Maresquier
©SCE Aménagement
Vasière proche du barrage du Maresquier
©SCE Aménagement
Vasiere proche du barrage du Maresquier
Vasière Maresquier
©A vue d'oiseau