Diagnostic environnemental du port de Dieppe EN

Port de Dieppe
Port of Dieppe©L'EuropevueduCiel
Environmental assessment of the Port of Dieppe

Brief overview


In partnership with the Association Nationale des Ports Maritimes Territoriaux and the 9 ports on the Channel and North Sea coast, in late 2018 the Port of Dieppe initiated an environmental assessment on sediment, waste, water quality, invasive species and the environmental coherence of its territory.    

A comprehensive appraisal was undertaken across the ten ports concerned and allowed us to rank the environmental impacts and thus prioritise the actions to be performed.   


Ports of Normandy is currently in the phase of assimilating the action plans and the practical local variations, in partnership with the local stakeholders concerned.   


Example of an action  


In the fight against marine exotic invasive species, Ports of Normandy renewed its partnership with the University of Caen Normandy to pursue a research project on the colonisation of these species on submerged plates in Dieppe marina.  



The study was budgeted at €76,000 ex VAT and 50 % funded by Agence de l’Eau Seine-Normandie.

Diagnostic environnemental du port de Dieppe
Projet Chabimanor
Projet Chabimanor
Projet Chabimanor