Le Port de Caen-Ouistreham va accueillir la Solitaire du Figaro EN

Port de Caen-Ouistreham - Solitaire du Figaro
®Région Normandie
The Port of Caen-Ouistreham will host the Solitaire du Figaro
What an honor for the Port of Caen-Ouistreham! It's official: it will host the start of the 54th Solitaire du Figaro on sunday August 27, 2023, one of the most prestigious single-handed sailing races in France, organized by OC Sport Pen Duick.

The greatest sailors will be present in Caen before setting sail. The Bassin Saint-Pierre will live to the rhythm of the departure village and the entertainment. It will be amazing on the sea and in Caen. It will make our city, its Port and all of Normandy shine! This is an opportunity to highlight the know-how of the Caen and Normandy yachting sector.

After hosting the start of the queen race of the French Elite Offshore Racing Championship in 2004 and 2007, then a stage in 2011, Caen is once again embarking on the adventure and continuing to assert its maritimity. The passage of the competitors on the 12 km of canal which connects Caen to the sea should be splendid!

“Hosting the Solitaire du Figaro is a superb opportunity. This is an opportunity to affirm Caen as a real sporting city, capable of hosting the biggest and most prestigious competitions, and also to show the maritime character of Caen, with its port in the city centre, " said Joël Bruneau, mayor of Caen, this Tuesday during the presentation of this great departure organized for the third time in the Norman city.




®La Solitaire Figaro
®Région Normandie
®La Solitaire Figaro
®Ville de Caen