Bilan 2023 - Perspectives 2024 pour Ports de Normandie EN

Ports of Normandy is one of the operational arms of the local authorities that fund it with the aim of increasing the economic potential of their territories. The tonnages and traffic figures you will find below are but a snapshot of a policy designed to boost development at a local level generally, not just at the ports. "The French national statistics institute, INSEE, carried out an objective assessment of the momentum created by the policy. The results showed that the different activities on Ports of Normandy's three sites have created almost 9,000 jobs and generated €600m of wealth since 2019. Ports of Normandy will continue to pursue its mission through its €160m multi-annual investment plan (PPI) for 2024/2026 covering all three of its ports." declared Hervé Morin, President of the Normandy Regional Council and of Ports of Normandy.